Taking my life back allowed me to breathe again, even when things go wrong I’m able to see ahead and not get swallowed up by the things weighing me down and trying to eat me up. I believe that HELL is something you carry, a mindset rather then a actual place. Taking this into thought I later started to offload my issues gradually leaving me feeling free and able to stand strong, mindset balanced and unbothered by things out of my control I was able to take control of my life and the things within it.

Some periods of our lives are so confusing that we don’t even recognise that growth is happening! We may feel hostile, angry or weepy and even hysterical through growth. This can all lead to depression and a foggy state of mind that isn’t going to help us move forward. We shouldn’t be scared when things are changing. All of this can distract us from the very fact that we are in the process of a greater amazing life change. One that we wasn’t ready for before. Universal promotion lasts forever therefore can only happen if you are truly ready for the position.

Ive realised that transition is very uncomfortable especially if its to lead us into a stronger position. Easy transition is normally moved into with ease, easy transition often leads us to places that are similar to what we are already experiencing and nothing majorly life changing.

It was only when I became more balanced and aware of my situation that I realised how much id let my life slip and it was no wonder why my life was constantly drowning me. friends, money, family even my mental health all seemed bleak and rarely felt manageable leaving me slightly content with my life and where it was going.

I was never taught how to deal with corporate organisations or how to handle money, I wasn’t shown many health relationships so I didn’t understand what one was allowing myself to endure in toxic relationships for long durations. I was never told how important it is to be balanced throughout my life, I lacked the ability to control my own life.

I try to clean up my life up little by little.. day by day, I then like to end my day thankful and stress free when possible. I like having control of my life and enjoy everything within it to make sense. Everything in my life has a role to play and something doesn’t make sense I try to fix it and if there is nothing to fix and it just simply doesn’t make sense I remove it. Life is simple, we however complicate things. Control your control centre.

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